
Running Unit Tests

See Testing from the README

Debugging Views

A number of endpoints can be used to view details of a patient, or manually trigger an instant reminder, to simplify testing and debugging.

All of these endpoints are restricted by the same rules as any API, namely the authenticated user must have appropriate permissions to make the request, typically governed by user ROLE and shared organizations between the patient and the current user. A user can also view their own data in most cases.

For all of the following, replace the variable name within the angle brackets with the appropriate value.


Trigger an immediate lookup and transmission of any assessment reminder emails for a user, rather than wait for the next scheduled job to handle.

Request /communicate/<patient_id>

Additional query string parameters supported:

  Shows details of the lookup process
  invalidates the assessment_cache for the patient
  prior to executing the lookup

Assessment Status

Request /api/patient/<patient_id>/assessment-status to view current assessment status details:

  The *overall* status for the patient's assessments.

  A list of the named assessments for the current questionnaire bank which
  the patient has already submitted.

  The ``irondemog`` or ``irondemog3`` assessment is special, belonging to
  the indefinite camp.  If the user is eligible and still needs to complete
  this assessment, this variable will be set to ``1``.

  The current Questionnaire Bank for the patient.

  The list of questionnaires the user needs to complete for the current
  Questionnaire Bank (specifically those which haven't been previously
  started and suspended).

  The list of questionnaires the user has begun but not yet completed
  for the current Questionnaire Bank.

Additional query string parameters supported:

  Shows details of the lookup process

Invalidate Assessment Cache

Although many URLs listed in this document also support the purge=True parameter, it’s also possible to invalidate the cached assessment status of any given patient, which will then force a fresh lookup the next time it is needed.

Request /api/invalidate/<patient_id> invalidates given user’s cache, and returns the patient data in FHIR format.