
Git Flow Workflow

TrueNTH Shared Services attempts to conform to the guidelines established by the git-flow branching model.

For an introduction, see the excellent git-flow-cheatsheet.

To initialize on a debian system, install the git-flow package:

sudo apt-get install git-flow

Return to the root of your TrueNTH Shared Services checkout and initialize:

cd ~/true_nth_usa_portal
git-flow init

You should be able to accept all the defaults (caveat: in some cases “Branch name for production releases: []” won’t have a default; in that case, use “master”). The results are written to the nested .git/config file, such as:

[gitflow "branch"]
        master = master
        develop = develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
        feature = feature/
        release = release/
        hotfix = hotfix/
        support = support/
        versiontag =

Work on New Feature

Work on new feature takes place in a fresh branch off of develop. git-flow makes this easy:

git flow feature start my-feature-name

Publish Feature

Once the feature is ready to share, and all changes have been committed locally, push the feature branch to github:

git flow feature publish

Pull Request

To bring the feature into the main develop branch, head over to github and trigger a pull request.


Occasionally, it’s desirable or even necessary to bring commits on another branch into your feature branch prior to publication.

For example, to bring changes into your branch that have been pushed to develop since your feature branch was cut:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout feature/<my-feature-name>
git flow feature rebase